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MILK Brief #13: Doing the Math - Funeral and Life Microinsurance in the Philippines

ByBarbara Magnoni, Derek Poulton, Emily Zimmerman, and Birgit Schubert
8 August 2012

For this brief, the MILK team partnered with the global microinsurance broker MicroEnsure and the microfinance institution Taytay Sa Kauswagan Inc. (TSKI) in the Iloilo province of Panay island in the Philippines, using its Client Math methodology to explore some of the open questions about the value of a combined funeral and life insurance product for low-income clients. The study explored the role of microinsurance in helping low income families cope with the financial consequences of a death, seeking to understand how the insurance product fit into the range of tools available to those families.

About the Author(s)

Barbara Magnoni

Derek Poulton

Emily Zimmerman

Birgit Schubert

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