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MILK Brief #16: Doing the Math - Life Microinsurance in Mexico

ByDerek Poulton, and Barbara Magnoni
17 January 2013

Life products are the most common types of microinsurance both worldwide and in Mexico, where almost 14 million people are covered by life microinsurance. For these studies, the MILK team partnered with Compartamos Banco in Mexico to study an innovative life product Compartamos offers with all of its Credito Mujer loans, reaching over 1.8 million borrowers. For this life product, Compartamos subsidizes the basic level of coverage, automatically providing it with the loan, and clients can voluntarily purchase greater levels of coverage.

MILK Brief #16 is a MILK Client Math study exploring the value clients receive from the product and its different levels of coverage. The Brief explores financial value by examining how the product helps low-income families cope with the financial consequences of a death and how the insurance product fits into the range of tools available to those families.

About the Author(s)

Derek Poulton

Barbara Magnoni

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